
Who Is Daisy Mature In The Great Gatsby

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Character Analysis Essay James Gatz, also known as The Great Gatsby would be considered the wealthiest man in 1920’s New York, having everything while having nothing. Gatsby could be considered the “American Dream”, starting from the bottom to the top. However, his origin like any achiever is shrouded in mystery. Charisma, persistent, selfless, and even emptiness, traits that best fit Gatsby like, a glove fits a hand. The author Scott Fitzgerald, crafted Gatsby as this great man to show that any man can achieve greatness but can as well lose it all if careless. And, so Gatsby is a perfect character to analyze, understanding what kind of a man he is through his personality traits For Gatsby’s first trait he is a very charismatic person that …show more content…

This is said to enrich Daisy’s emotions to Gatsby’s favor persuading her to love him and leave her husband Tom. Gatsby “[admires Daisy the way every women dreams of being looked at]”. With an endearment vocabulary and striking looks, Gatsby couldn’t be more imposing. He as well put impressions on others during his journey to success progressing further and further. He would even gain a strong friendship with Mr.Wolfsheim, a man who would nearly teach Gatsby everything he needs to know. Gatsby’s choices of words gives him an intellectual tone as for an example he continuously refers to everyone as an “old sport” when speaking to others as a way of friendly …show more content…

Even though Gatsby has much wealth, he still can’t full his hunger. He tries to fill his void with good deeds and money often not seeing what kind of impression he leaves. This can be seen when Gatsby was going to shower Nick with gifts but it more less felt like Gatsby was trying to buy Nick. He as well has no thought when trying to woo Daisy as she is a married women. He believes because of his wealth he’s almost untouchable. And, to support this is the argument him and Tom have, "She never loved you, do you hear?"... It was a terrible mistake but in her heart she never loved any one except me". He doesn't care that their married 2or how Tom feels he bluntly tells off Tom, something many people don’t

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