
Who Is Emperor Qin's Rule China With Absolute Rule

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The Qin dynasty was the first unified, multinational and power centralised state in Chinese history. It lasted from 221 BC to 207 BC. Even if the Qin dynasty only survived 15 years, it held an important role and influence on other dynasties. Emperor Qin was a legalist which means he thought that people were "bad" and were needed to be controlled all the time, and so in order to consolidate his rules, he created a penal code for all, the Qin Code.

One of the disturbing thing I found in the Qin Penal Code is

Qin's penal code tells us that he ruled China with absolute control. Punishments for those who disagreed with him were harsh and swift. You could be put to death simply by suggesting another way to do things. He, however, did not think

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