
Who Is God And Do We Need Him?

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Who Is God & Do We Need Him? It was Bhartrhari that once said, “Our life is like the ' unstable wave, Our bloom of youth decays. Our joys are brief as lightning flash n summer 's cloudy days, Our riches fleet as swift as thought; Faith in the One Supreme Alone will bear us o 'er the gulfs Of Being 's stormy stream.” Though Bhartrhari presents to us a great truth, it also leaves the reader with a question. This question is simply, who is the “One Supreme Alone” that this author speaks of? Who is God? What makes Him so “Supreme”? Does this “Supreme One” server purpose in today’s society? I would like to argue that this “Supreme God” is sovereign, triune, has many of other attributes that complements His superlative ways, and He is indeed needed in our lives today! God is sovereign. Sovereignty means that “God exercises power over his creation” (Systematic Theology, 216) this means that God has the very right to do what He wants, when He wants and how He wants to do it. He does this without asking any questions or taking up the approval of anyone else. He is His own boss and needs no one else. This is reminded to us in the book of Isaiah 45:6-7 which says, “That people may know, from the rising of the sun and from the west, that there is none besides me; I am the Lord, and there is no other. I form light and create darkness, I make well-being and create calamity, and I am the Lord, who does all these things.” God is sovereign. God’s sovereignty is found in His creation of

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