
Who Is Holden Caulfield Contradiction

Decent Essays

What is Holden Caulfield? That question is easy to answer. A teenage boy from a wealthy family. A junior in high school who was just kicked out of another exclusive boarding school. But the question, “Who is Holden Caulfield?” is a much more complex question because Holden is a very complicated character. Even though Catcher in the Rye was written in 1951, the character of Holden Caulfield is very relatable today. He is really messed up, but I think that's what makes the book and this character so interesting ,and that's why I chose to paint a picture that tries to answer the question, “Who is Holden Caulfield?” using symbolism from the book. Holden Caulfield is a contradiction. In the things that he says and he does, he is always contradicting himself. He hates phonies more than anything, but he lies all the time and pretends to be someone else when he meets new people. For example, early in the book he says, “I'm quite illiterate, but I read a lot” (p. 24). The biggest contradiction in Holden's life is the fact that more than anything …show more content…

He has already experienced a lot of death in his life, and it has affected him. His younger brother, Allie, died several years earlier from leukemia. Holden loved and admired his younger brother, and he flipped out when Allie died. He smashed all the windows in the garage and broke his hand. He had to go to a hospital for a while after that. It's obvious that Holden is still dealing with the death of his brother. Then when Holden is at Elkton Hills school, a student named James Castle commits suicide by jumping out the window, and he was wearing Hlden's turtleneck when he did it. In a twisted way, Holden kind of admires Castle because he jumped out of the window rather than be a phony and take back something he said to another boy. Death surrounds Holden Caulfield and has really affected the way he thinks. The skull and cross bones represent his preoccupation with

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