
Who Is Hrothgar's Loyalty In Beowulf

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Men seem to be happy when they drink mead, or liquor. It’s obvious what goes on inside the mead-hall. Men conversing and laughing while they pour themselves another cup of mead. . The beauty of the land that Hrothgar and his warriors live on makes them happy. “Loud in that hall, the harp’s rejoicing Call and the poet’s clear songs, sung Of the ancient beginnings of us all, recalling The Almighty making the earth, shaping These beautiful plains marked off by oceans, Then proudly setting the sun and moon To glow across the land and light it; And leaves, made quick with life, with each Of the nations who now move on its face. And then As now warriors sang of their pleasure: So Hrothgar’s men lived happy in his hall Till the monster stirred…” …show more content…

Basically, it’s like Hrothgar and his warriors are angels and Grendel is a demon. Angels and demons have completely opposite characteristics which is why Grendel is angered by the warriors singing happily and enjoying life. Grendel keeps attacking Hrothgar’s warriors because like the devil, he wants to weaken their faith in God. As a result, Hrothgar and his warriors pray to God to get rid of Grendel and keep them safe. They don’t keep that faith through the attacks though. Hrothgar and his warriors start to become weak because they feel like their prayers aren’t doing anything but causing more deaths. When Grendel can see that change he likes it. He knows that he has weakened Hrothgar and his warriors so he keeps attacking to finish the deed. Beowulf is a man that you do not want to mess with. He is wise, bold, and strong-minded. If you were to challenge Beowulf you would be made a fool out of. He has no fear of death because he has seen so many different terrors in life. He has killed numerous monsters and survived covered in their blood. He could be just about the bravest man ever. Beowulf does not want to be looked at as a coward so he keeps his battles fair. “I have

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