
Whole30 Reflection Essay

Decent Essays

As I'm writing this, I'm on day 15 of Whole30. For me, that means 15 days without one single drop of wine. 1/2 way there. Week 2 was way easier than week 1. And I'm slowly starting to see a change in my body. Below is the recap.

Day 8
So on the second half of Whole30, most people get something called Tiger Blood. You have energy, mental clarity and you just feel good. Well, the first hour of Day 8, I felt this. I woke up just happy and ready to tackle the day. This feeling subsided upon arriving at work, but I am not a morning person. So the fact I felt this first thing in the morning was huge and made me really excited!

Day 9
I wasn't hungry at all on day 9. In fact, I've done something I don't think I've ever done before... I skipped lunch. …show more content…

I never thought those words would come out of my mouth. I like to put cheese on anything and everything and surprisingly, I don't miss it that much. One night I had Whole30 nachos for dinner and I was preparing to miss the cheese but the loads of guac I put on top felt like a substitute for cheese and was way healthier.

B and I sit down and have an ACTUAL conversation while we eat. All the meal prepping and cooking takes a long time...and by the time we get to actually eating, we don't want to be plopped in front of a TV. We want to sit and enjoy our food. It made me want to continue this post Whole30.

Soda water and lime do the trick. During week 2, we went out to eat and to a comedy show with my family. Everyone was drinking and obviously I wasn' I had a soda water with lime and it wasn't that bad. It almost felt like I was drinking. Also, GET LA CROIX. These bad boys have substituted any cravings I have for sweet tea.

Be prepared for random hunger. Sometimes hunger strikes when you least expect it. This is when I start craving all the good food I used to eat. I always have an Rx Bars in my bag for when hunger strikes. This has saved me from cheating several times already. That is one of my favorite things about Whole30- it isn't calorie restrictive. When I'm hungry, I

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