
Why Did Isis Grow In Syria

Satisfactory Essays

A terrorist group in the Middle East mainly concentrated in Iraq and Syria Isis is killing everyone who does not believe in their radical views of Islam
i. Why are people upset?
Thesis: Isis grew in Syria because of the civil war in Syria, the government was unable to defend its people, and Isis had superior leadership, and superior organization

Body 1
The civil war in Syria led to the rise of Isis because the war caused Syrians to use their ammunition and weapons, the people lost faith in the government, and [enter 3rd topic]
The people were at a disadvantage because they had inferior weapons.
The people used their best weapons in the civil war, leaving to good weapons to fight with against Isis.
Due to this, the people were unable to stand up to Isis, allowing them to take …show more content…

For many people who opposed the government, their hatred was only exacerbated by the civil war, and in turn welcomes new control by Isis
By Isis attempting to invade Syria, the rebels are given a chance to fight them, an opportunity very welcome ii. [Enter 3rd topic]
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II. Body 2
The superior Isis leadership allowed them to grow in Syria because the Syrian politician’s influence were weakened by the war, the Isis leaders had more resources and money.
The Syrian leaders’ powers were weakened due to the revolution caused by the civil war.
The civil war caused people to doubt the government, which in turn caused to governments power over their citizens to weaken.
Without the people and the government united, they were not powerful enough to take on the united Isis military
The leaders of Isis have more resources and money than the Syrian leaders.
They attack banks and countries with resources such as oil, to gain power.
This power gained from the money and the resources caused them to have enough control, they had no problem taking over Syria.
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