
Why Do Flowers For Algernon Not Have Surgery

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The Fine Print Imagine being three times smarter than you already are through a simple, painless surgery, but there’s a catch. The effects of the surgery that can make you a genius could be temporary, and have not been studied and may be dangerous. Flowers for Algernon, a short story, describes a character who is intellectually disabled. He has to make a choice between having doctors conduct an experiment that involves surgery on him to make him three times smarter or staying the way he is. Charlie Gordon should not have the surgery because it is highly experimental and theoretical, as well as the negative social effects. Charlie Gordon should not have surgery due to the experimental nature of the surgery as its effects have not been fully analyzed. For example, Doctor Strauss and Doctor Nemur told Charlie that there is a possibility that the experiment could fail and that the outcome could be returning to his original mental status. Gordon remains indifferent to the statement and says, “They said you know it will probly tempirery. I said yes. Miss Kinnian told me. I dont care if it herts” (112). Charlie’s positive outlook on life and lack of reasoning leads him to make the decision to have the surgery performed on him. He is desperate to become smart and fit in with the rest of society.Additionally, Algernon’s testing had not been completed when Doctor Nemur and Doctor Strauss started the test on …show more content…

The scientist did not know whether Algernon would succeed in the experiment or fail in the experiment at that time. Gordon indicates that Algernon’s testing had not been done when he says, “ So far Algernon looks

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