
Why Gmos Should Not Be Allowed From The General Food Supply

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Why GMOs should not be allowed in the General Food Supply.
What are GMOs? GMO stands for genetically modified organism, an organism that has had its genes or genetic makeup changed or alter in some way in a research lab. Two ways that scientist accomplish this is through either gene cloning or protein engineering (Phillips, Teresa p.1). Tampering with the genetics of any species, particularly one that we consume into our bodies has unknown effects that have not been completely research enough. We do not know how genetically modifying the foods we eat will affect our own inner bodies and genes. Big research and food companies, such as Monsanto, have put their own bottom-line, or greed, above our health and we are unwittingly being guinea pigs for these companies. Proponents of GMOs say “No, GMOs have helped people, especially in underdeveloped countries”, but let’s look at some of the facts:
In 1996, the first commercial genetically modified seeds were planted in the United States. The first modified seeds were developed with the hopes that they would produce a higher yield of crops. The plants that grew from these seeds were less susceptible to drought, pests and fungi and were engineered to resist the herbicidal or weed-killing chemicals that farmers sprayed on their land. They were touted as a farmer’s dream come true and farmers praised their untested properties. The seeds and plants that were developed to keep pest insects away were either genetically altered so

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