
Why I Am Interested In Dissecting A Frog

Decent Essays

I am very excited for science this semester! Ever since I was young, science has always fascinated me, and pushed me to learn more. Also, I am extremely excited to learn more and perform new experiments with you and our awesome homeroom class! In the science units, biology has always been my favourite, even though the others are also very appealing. I am especially enthusiastic about dissecting a frog because I am intrigued about what is inside, as well as the procedure to dissect. I guess I have always wanted to do something with a cadaver (in this case a frog)! I am eager to know you, as well as the whole class better because there are still a few classmates that I am not familiar with. Also, I love asking questions, not only those related to improving my work, but also on subjects I have always wondered about! In grade 9, I had an incredible science teacher (Mr.Hussey), he really pushed me to be more diligent and also taught me many things! He made me even more passionate about science than I previously was! …show more content…

Also, I do not like to deal with a great deal of stress when I have to balance all of my school homework and extracurriculars as well (especially when teachers are not very understanding). I also prefer projects over tests because I tend to perform better on examinations that I can look into and learn about, rather than review. Furthermore, I am more of a hands-on learner rather than a visual or auditory learner because I usually remember better when I do something. I enjoy performing experiments or having demonstrations to capture my complete and utter

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