
Why I Chose A Class Essay

Good Essays

As a Salem Freshman, I was required to take a “Signature” Salem class; a class that was “signature” to Salem and Salem alone. These classes were chosen based on a survey given to students before they get their schedules and all of them are rather “worldly”. At the time, I was unaware that the this “Sign” Classes were fully graded and fleshed out classes. I simply chose a class that sounded incredibly interesting without thinking about how well I would actually perform in that field. I chose a class that offered to challenge the way I think about others and how they think; a class that could help me understand people more by showing me how they come to believe things. Despite my initial confusion and eventual grade, I admit that I don’t regret taking the class because what I learned in that classroom was something I don’t believe I would have ever experienced otherwise.
My Sign class was about belief, but it was a very scientific class, which was something I hadn’t expected. In truth, I was vastly unprepared to take the class because I had no experience in Psychology or writing extensive essays using only deeply researched data as my only sources. My first essay was the one essay that completely ruined any chance of me getting anything higher than a C as this class was essay-intensive and all student were graded mainly off of their six semester essays. As I was inexperienced in using raw data as sources, I failed to correctly paraphrase my data quotes, which effectively gave

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