
Why Is Calculus Important

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Studying the history behind Calculus can seem, for the untrained eye, an impractical use of time. One might think that since as Calculus students, we are using the most advanced and contemporary functions of calculus, it's useless to look back and see what people did before us. However, there are several reasons why looking at the historical background of Calculus is important. As the lecture stated, the main reasons why the history of Calculus is important is that it opens our, being the students, eyes. It opens our eyes to the motivation behind historical Calculus scholars. It opens our eyes to how we can organize Calculus' results. It opens our eyes to the human and personal aspects of the people who developed calculus. Finally, it opens our eyes to the link between faith and mathematics. In this historical discussion of the definite integral, we will look at several of the "founding fathers" of this concept. To begin, the first organized attempt at computing an exact computation of a mathematically defined area was made by Eudoxus. Eudoxus was a Greek Mathematician and astronomer, who also wrote and discussed on topics like geography and philosophy. According to a Britannica article written by Henry Mendell, …show more content…

It has been said that Eudoxus "set the stage" (Mendell) for Archimedes' research and findings for volume and proportions. Archimedes was born in Syracuse on the island of Sicily, and is known for his mathematics, inventions of war machines, as well as his studies in physics, astronomy, and engineering. He is often regarded as the "father of integral calculus" (Rorres.) One fascinating concept Archimedes studied was mentioned in the virtual lecture: Archimedes explored the concept of calculating the area in a curve by calculating the volume of smaller and smaller triangles. This method is similar to what we are currently using in our modern definite integral

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