
Why Is Hockey Too Expensive

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Some of my friends want to play hockey but they don’t have the money to play. It’s way too expensive. Some equipment is more expensive than other equipment, but it all does the same thing. If it did go down in price more people would play. Hockey needs to go down in price

It’s way too expensive. Hockey is more expensive than equestrian, which is often viewed for the rich. At $1,434 per year, horse back riding is much less than hockey which is regularly $1,666 per year. The equipment can cost from about $50- $300. Mark Wahlberg quotes: “Hockey is probably most expensive sports. You have to have a place to play. You have to have the proper equipment. You have to have the transportation to get there.” This proves that hockey is way too expensive. …show more content…

It all protects you. My equipment isn’t all top brand and when I get hit with the puck it protects me. My coach once told me “It’s not the skates, it’s the skater.” This proves that some equipment is more expensive than other equipment, but it all does the same thing.

If the cost of playing hockey did go down more people would play. According to research in Canada the price of the sport is making it less popular. Zealhockey. com qoutes that “The rising cost of hockey is driving families away”. My friend wants to play hockey but his parents won’t let him play because the equipment and to get on a team is expensive, and in order to get on a team you could pay up to $1,666. This proves that if hockey went down in price more people would play.

You could argue that it’s expensive because the rinks have to pay for employees, the zambonis, and to keep the rink cold, but if it was cheaper more kids would play making even more money for the

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