
Why Love Matters: How Affection Shapes A Baby's Brain

Decent Essays

It seems to be without question that love is at the core of what every human desires. We seek it from the start of life, before we even know the word or emotion, in the bond of parent and child. We look for it in friendships and family relationships as we grow throughout childhood. When mature, we long for the companionship that a lifelong vow of love and marriage will satisfy. The Bible mentions love hundreds of times and places it high above almost anything else, naming it as the center of our salvation in Christ and our hope of life eternal with Him. It’s almost too simple of a concept that love matters, but as Sue Gerhardt shares throughout her book Why Love Matters: How Affection Shapes a Baby’s Brain, somehow we lose sight of just how important love really is, and the fallout from this neglect can change a person’s life completely. Throughout her 250 page book, Gerhardt repeatedly points to evidence of just how detrimental a lack …show more content…

A mother who struggles with depression post-partum is likely to expose her baby to more harmful effects. Gerhardt (2015) states that the baby of a depressed mother can find it difficult to cope with or get over stress, or they may be more fearful (p. 21). These babies also may respond to others with depression themselves, as their mother may be neglectful in their care (Gerhardt, 2015, p. 36). One of the reasons for this is because of their cortisol levels, which can fluctuate situationally. However, in infants this can affect their development (Gerhardt, 2015, p. 83) as well as their immune system (Gerhardt, 2015, p. 118), and is evidence that a mother with depression can have a significant impact on her child well beyond when the depression occurs. Additionally, Gerhardt (2015) notes that, “When they grow up, these babies of depressed mothers are highly at risk of succumbing to depression themselves.” (p.

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