
Why Was WWII Important To The Allies?

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The Allies used Ultra greatly throughout the course of WW2. As mentioned earlier, Ultra benefited the Allies as it provided them with information about the Axis’ powers such as locations of where they would attack next or even supply lists. The Battle of the Atlantic was an event where the use of Alan Turing’s work paid dividends. At this point, Alan Turing and his crew were now dealing with the Naval Enigma, which had been more difficult to decrypt as the naval enigma developed over the course of the war. There were several instances where the Allies were able to capture Naval Enigma settings, which benefited Turing and the code breakers as they would not have to waste time using the bombes to acquire the key settings. The Allies captured a German ship called the Krebs, which contained naval Enigma machines, and codebooks, which provided the key settings for the previous month. It was suggested that the Allies …show more content…

The Allies had access to the location of the German U-Boats and where they planned on attacking. This allowed the Allies to relocate their ships so that the U-Boats would not affect them. This also allowed the Allies to attack German supply ships from travelling across the Atlantic preventing supplies from being transported. This took a toll on the Germans and Admiral Karl Dönitz withdrew them from the North Atlantic by May 1943. Winston Churchill stated, “It was thanks to Ultra that we won the war.” Although the effect of Turing’s contribution cannot be quantifiable in the Battle of the Atlantic or even the war in general, it is agreeable that with Ultra, the Allies had an upper hand in winning the war. The Allies essentially knew what the Germans were thinking, their ways, actions, and habits. This provided tremendous amounts of information for the Allies, which then benefited their strategies of approaching the

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