
Why We Are Better Than Traditional Classes

Decent Essays

When someone makes the decision to go to college this future student will also have to decide if they would like to attend traditional or online classes. To make this decision it is best to compare and contrast online versus traditional classes.
Starting with traditional classes because these are the most familiar types of classes. Taking traditional classes means that a student must be in class two to three times a week at a certain time for a hour or more. These types of classes are great if a student has free time but if a student has a full time job, children, or just a bust schedule then traditional classes may not be the best decision. For example, a student that goes to work from 9am to 5pm Monday through Friday and has children to take care of would loose money as well as precious time with family if traditional classes were chosen. Equally important is the fact that when a student chooses traditional classes there are other students to rely on. If a student does not understand a subject then maybe a classmate can help. Additionally, if a student is stressed out about a test or upcoming assignment then to make those feelings go away it can help to …show more content…

Unlike traditional classes, online classes allow for more flexibility. For instance, the student talked about in paragraph two that works from 9am to 5pm Monday through Friday and has to take care of children, would still be able to go to work and not loose quite as much precious family time if the student chooses online classes. This student could make the decision to study on lunch break or after the children are asleep. The lack of classmates can be just as much a blessing as having them sometimes. Every once in a while classmates can be a distraction and cause another student not to hear something that the instructor said. For this reason online classes are a great option since a student taking online classes can simply study away from other

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