
Roosevelt Confronts Hitler

Decent Essays

Patrick Hearden’s book, Roosevelt Confronts Hitler: America’s Entry into World War II, is offering an explanation as to how and why the United States got itself involved in a second world war. Hearden states, that the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and Nazi Germany’s declaration of war hastened United States intervention. These two reasons, however, are not the underlying foundation of why the United States entered the war, according to Hearden’s research. Through a quick examination of the chapter titles (The Crisis of Capitalism, The Quest for Economic Appeasement, Nightmare of a Closed World, etc) you can see exactly where the main point of his argument is heading; capitalism would not be able to function without a world free enterprise market, for which Germany was threatening. This reason was paramount for America’s national interest, future economic stability, and future growth.
The time period examined in this book is from 1933 through 1941. President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s administration is shown to have made the economic factor a preeminent issue during his presidency. Those individuals highlighted by Hearden are: Cordell Hull, Adolf Berle, Pierre-pont Moffat, and Norman Davis. Americans besides those in President Roosevelt’s administration that had great influence were: John Foster Dulles, Thomas W. Lamont, George Peek, and James P. Warburg.
Through, vigorous research, Hearden presents the actions and criticisms from the aforementioned people, which are summed

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