
William B Yeats Never Give All The Heart

Decent Essays

What is love? Is it more than a four letter word? Is it the feeling you get when you see “that one guy in the halls?” Or is it tears rolling down your cheeks faster than you can wipe them away? Love can be both a blessing in disguise or a heartbreak waiting to happen, but through many literary devices, such as repetition, the point of view, and rhyme. William B. Yeats poem, “Never Give All the Heart,” conveys the idea that a single moment of love and desire cannot compare to the tireless amount of pain caused by a heartache.

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The pain of a heartbreak is overbearing, the memories replay over and over again causing you to doubt yourself and whether or not you could change things. Because of this Yeats’ repeats the phrase, “never give all the heart” in his poem countless of times. Ultimately, warning the readers who are in a relationship and those who are not to be cautious of what is to come. This is significant because through Yeats’ apprehension in love, the readers are left only to wonder about their own relationships and whether or not they should risk going through the pain the character in the poem has felt.

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Creating a AABBCCDDEEFF… pattern. In many of the lines Yeats’ emphasizes his message through emotion and detail. For example, in line 9-11 he says, “(...) for all smooth lips can say, have given their hearts up to the play. And who can play it well enough”. The phrase “hearts up to the play” used to describe a relationship between two people illustrates the idea that love is perceived as a game for Yeats’. Doing so allows the readers to understand that love is simply a game and if you do choose to play, there will have to be a

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