
William Blake 's The Lamb And The Tyger

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Through out time, young sheep have always been described as pure, tender, and innocent. Even in the Holy Bible, lambs are talked about in such high honor that they were even used to be holy sacrifices during biblical times. William Blake describes the young sheep in similar characteristics in the poem “The Lamb” and “The Tyger”. A tiger as we know its characteristics to be is fierce and mysterious. Always lurking around, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. In William Blake’s two separate poems he ties each of the poems together with in-depth understanding and symbolism. Both animals play an important part in both of Blake’s poems.
The use of the lamb in William Blake’s poem is significant in many ways. The speaker is depicted as being young and a child however, is not actually a child at all. He is described as a child but really meaning that he is a child of God. Just like the lamb, the speaker has religious background as well due to the fact that the speaker is more then likely a Shepard watching over the sheep just like how Joseph was a Shepard in the bible. The lamb symbolizes youth and and innocence which is reprentesnted throughout the poem. The Lamb is the whole meaning of the poem representing the innocence and spirituality. If any other animal was in place of the lamb the entire theme would be altered.
Much like the poem, “The Lamb”, “The Tyger” is very symbolic with a deeper meaning which could be considered very in-depth with abstract thinking to

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