
William Shakespeare 's Romeo And Juliet

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During the mid 20th century behavioral research was a newly developed field, psychologists were intent on proving their study to the scientific community and in their ambition often disregarded or suppressed things that they could not calculate or quantify. Psychology came to view things like familial love as harmful and, as a result, 1950’s parenting guides, mother’s associations and medical experts rang with warnings against showing affection toward children, they stated that doing so spread disease and caused mental health issues. Government-issued brochures advised mothers and fathers to “never kiss a baby” and to not “rock or play with children”. The director of the American Psychological Association warned “when you are tempted to pet your child, remember that mother love is a dangerous instrument”. Until later experiments in psychology were able to demonstrate the importance of parental love, the beliefs held by the majority directly clashed with the unconditional affection parents hold for their children. In the renowned play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, the contrasting desires of society, and of Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet, two young lovers from feuding households in Italy, lead the couple to fall in love, marry and ultimately commit dual suicide. During Romeo and Juliet’s short but emotionally charged romance, the couple’s infatuation for each other is constantly put at odds with social norms and regulations. Characters, including Juliet Capulet,

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