
William Shakespeare 's Romeo And Juliet

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“Unbridled passion is to blame for the deaths of the young lovers”. To what extent is that statement true? Discuss your response in relation to Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.
William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet explores the quote “unbridled passion is to blame for the deaths of the young lovers” throughout the play/The quote “unbridled passion is to blame for the deaths of the young lovers” is lengthily explored throughout William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. The composer achieves this through the themes of individual versus society, youth and naivety, and love and hate.
The theme of love and hate plays a pivotal role in the play in the sense that unbridled passion was a direct result of this theme. The hatred between the two families was fuelled by a passionate disparage towards each other. Shakespeare’s use of the quote “What, ho! You men, you beasts/That quench the fire of your pernicious rage,” [Prince Act 1, Scene 1, Line 85] compares the Capulets and Montagues to beasts. This provides the implication that their hatred towards each other is only a result of unconstrained passion and has no real rational reason to continue. This highlights the spiteful natures of the two families for their lack of self-restrain, linking it back to the theme of love and hate. Their hatred was so strong that it caused the two lovers to go to drastic ends to ultimately end up with each other. As a result of the existing enmity between the two families, the lovers are forced to go

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