
William Shakespeare 's Romeo And Juliet

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Although love is an affectionate and peaceful feeling, it can also be dangerous and deadly towards many lives if mixed with immature and impulsive characteristics. The tragic story of Romeo and Juliet, written by the well-known author William Shakespeare centers on a corrupt society and the romance of two young lovers, each a member of one of the feuding families, the Capulets and the Montagues. The importance of wealth, status and pride in society causes each of the family’s to disregard and neglect the new love formed by their immature children, Romeo and Juliet. The neglectful decisions created by the families, leads the passionate young lovers to perform a string of mistakes based off of their impulsive love, thus ending the conflict by taking their own lives and causing pain in the lives of those dear to them. The tragic love story, Romeo and Juliet qualifies as a Greek tragedy for the reason that it contains plot events displaying corruption of society as well as chains of mistakes created by the tragic hero, Romeo. Shakespeare shows that love can either be one’s hero and savior or a dangerous weapon if put into the hands of those who possess immature and irresponsible characteristics. The tragedy of the two star-crossed lovers, Romeo and Juliet, was caused mainly by society who revolves around wealth and pride, which ultimately drove the feud of the lover’s families and cost the loss of many innocent lives. Lord Capulet, the father of Juliet, is a large part of

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