
Wireless LAN Benefits and Applications

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Wireless networking has numerous benefits. Productivity remarkably enhances due to the higher accessibility to the information resource. Network configuration as well as reconfiguration becomes easier, quicker, and overall less expensive. Nonetheless, this technology also poses new threats as well as brings change in the already existing profile of risk in the information security. Explaining this terminology, as we all know that the communication occurs "through the air" utilizing the radio frequencies, the inception risk are higher in comparison to the wired networks. In case the messages are not encrypted, or just encrypted having a relatively weak algorithm, then the attacker could very well read it, hence compromising the confidentiality of the data. Though, the wireless networking changes the integrated risks with the various threats towards the security, the objectives of overall security remain all the same as they are with the wired networks: confidentiality preservation, ensuring integrity as well as maintaining the availability of information including information systems. This paper deals in assisting the concerned users of the wireless technology in performing sound decisions by inculcating them along with the basic understanding related to the some associated threats with the wireless networking as well as their countermeasures.

The wide popularity of the wireless Networks is quite a testament relating primarily to their conveniences, cost

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