
Women In Dracula

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There are a couple different female leads that are in Dracula. There is Lucy, Mina and Dracula’s three female vampires that live in the castle. Most Victorian women were not perceived as sexual beings they were pure and innocent waiting for men to marry them and were not put into the spot light. Bram Stoker associates vampirism and sexuality in the early parts of the book when the three females visit Jonathan. Jonathan describes the encounter as, “The girl went on her knees, and bent over me, simply gloating. There was a deliberate voluptuousness, which was both thrilling and repulsive, and as she arched her neck, she actually licked her lips like an animal”(Stoker, 1897) this quote being highly sexual in nature. The female vampires come across as vixens due to the nature of how vampires feed. Bram Stoker through his writing suggests sexual acts through the vampires …show more content…

Lucy was introduced having many suitors and being very beautiful, but unlike women of her time she was very sexualized, even more so when Dracula turned Lucy into one of the undead. She is described as having a ravenous sexual appetite that was dangerous to men and their self-control. Mina was an ideal Victorian woman, “One of God’s women,”(Stoker, 1897) as described by Van Helsing. And remained that way through out the novel even thought there was suspense created that Mina who empathizes with the progressive new women of England would suffer the same fate as Lucy. When Stoker wrote Lucy’s demise it had a dominance undertone to it. “We recognized the features of Lucy Westenra. Lucy Westenra, but yet how changed. The sweetness was turned to adamantine, heartless cruelty, and the purity to voluptuous wantonness.” (Stoker, 1897) in essence these men were not able to control Lucy therefore she needed to be killed. When she was destroyed stoker focused on her harmless state and the purity of her face, which assures men that women are exactly how the should

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