
Women Should Face Criminal Charges For Using Drugs While Pregnant

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I would like to research if women should face criminal charges for using drugs while pregnant. Women who use substances while pregnant is a serious social and health issue. Prenatal exposure to substances can lead to a number of medical, physical and behavioral problems for the child. Many women who use drugs while pregnant become involved with the legal system and face criminal prosecution, child abuse and neglect charges.

Keywords: pregnancy, drug use

Table of Contents
Literature Review………………………………………………………………...7
Hypothesis/problem statement…………………………………………………...16

Substance Abuse and Pregnancy: …show more content…

Others, including myself, maintain that imprisoning these women is not the answer and also not very effective in the long term.
In 2014, after seeing a significant increase in babies born with neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS), Tennessee began criminally charging pregnant women who use drugs (Sakuma, 2014). Supporters of the new legislation refer to it as a “velvet hammer” used to convince the pregnant drug users into going into treatment, or doing jail time. However, critics are concerned that this legislation will be just another barrier for a group of women who are already at risk, (Sakuma, 2014).
It is my opinion that punishing these women for addictive behavior is not the answer, especially when considering the severe overcrowding of the prison system nationwide and the strain on the economy already caused by this. My own view is that addiction not a crime, but is a disease and needs to be treated as such. These women don’t become pregnant and then become addicts, but they are addicts who become pregnant. The American Public Health Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the March of Dimes and the American Medical Association, -- are all against punishing addicted pregnant women. Treating addicted, pregnant women and their babies can create many complicated issues, both legally and ethically. In states where reporting the drug use of the pregnant woman is mandated, many are concerned about the significant negative outcome that might be

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