
Women: Union Membership Participation In Canada

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Union Membership Participation Surprisingly, there are more women unionized today than there have been in the past. Women currently account for more than half of Canada’s unionized workforce, with the greatest amount of membership in the past three decades. (Canadian Labour Congress, 2009) Within CUPE, women account for approximately 67% of all members, making them the majority of the union participation rate (CUPE Women, n.d.). However, there are still some within the workforce that cannot or choose not to participate in the union. Despite, all attempts that CUPE has made to actively involve them, this group of non-involved workers continues to experience barriers that have led to their lack of vigorous participation. Firstly, many women …show more content…

As higher authority is granted, there comes greater workload, which is difficult for women to balance due to other stresses in their life. Historically, after women were married, they were intended to leave the workforce and become homemakers, with the male of the household obtaining the role of the sole breadwinner (Connelly, 2013). This presumption has progressed into modern times, which has led the female in taking on the role of the head of the household in which the family role has not significantly changed. Women have the responsibility for household chores and caring for children as well as any elderly. This has led to what is known as the ‘double day’ which is the dual obligation endured by working mothers who are required when the work day is done to look after their family and home as well (Cobble, 2003, p.63). With women also participating in the union, this has led to what is known as the ‘triple day’. (Briskin, 2013, p.299) Thus, it becomes impossible for a woman in this context to devote time to the union, as one cannot take on any additional responsibility due to their current combination of work and home life responsibilities. Despite their desire to speak up, some simply cannot due to this additional responsibility as with this type of position, it is only expected that more time and energy will be needed to …show more content…

CUPE has developed different workshops available to women on a wide range of topics to assist with increasing activeness in unions. (CUPE, 2007, p.9) There were intended to give women the skills and education needed to obtain leadership positions. Ultimately, without the education and leadership positions, women cannot win votes in an election, as women do not have the merit to persuade members of the union to vote in their favour (CUPE, 2007). Thus, it becomes a vicious cycle, where men will continue to be re-elected due to their past experiences and wealth of knowledge they bring to the table. Despite having access to these classes, women find it difficult to put the effort into attending courses due to a variety of reasons such as: the double day which includes family responsibility, etc. (CUPE, 2007,

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