
Women and the Draft Essay

Decent Essays

Women and the Draft

Men have always been looked upon as the leading sex. Looking back through history women have been the ones who take care of the home and children, while men are the ones who work and go to war. However in recent years there’s no doubt that women have become much more equal in the work force. Nevertheless men are still the ones who are forced to fight our wars when the time calls for it. Many think that women should be entirely equal to men having their choice to be drafted taken away but the fact is that they are physically at a disadvantage, too emotionally oriented, and the increase of female presence would have a more negative impact in the military in the way of social interactions. In the military physical …show more content…

Without a choice women cannot excel to be above average and exceed their natural capabilities. Another thing that should prevent women to be in the draft is emotion. Women are complex beings with many chemical emotions causing them to react differently than men. Women’s brains perceive things in a more maternal way there for they consider circumstances differently. If a situation was complicated and needed an immediate reaction a woman might not be the right person to make an instant and thought out decision. She might reflect on it in a way that didn’t conjure what the troop needed at the moment. Women that are forced to be in war can easily get overwhelmed. Men can come through due to instinct after hundreds of years of being the ones who take care of the physical and difficult tasks at hand but women might not be as likely to react logically and can be easily inundated by the stress. Having maternal instinct rather than survival technique can be a vast disadvantage in combat causing emotion to be a handicap. An additional item that can cause a shortcoming in the military is social interaction with women and men. In our society today women are progressively moving up the ladder in all aspects of our country and this is a recent change. Most are used to seeing women be the ‘stay at home mom’ and men being the ones who work

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