
Women's Rights In The United States

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Issues Women Face
Although the issue of women’s rights has attracted international recognition and support, women still face many inequalities and barriers. Gender-based violence and economic discrimination are problems in many parts of the world.
In the United States
Many feminists in the United States believe that gender-based discrimination and inequality exist in schools, homes, and workplaces. Studies in the late twentieth century showed that teachers from kindergarten to college level often treated boys and girls differently, steering boys toward mathematics and science and girls toward the humanities and social sciences. However, another study conducted in Denmark suggests that female students are less inclined to pursue the sciences, …show more content…

Many African American, Latin American, Asian American, and Native American women have participated in movements to overcome racism and gain recognition of their ethnic histories and identities. Some of these women focus on the cultural and economic problems of women of color. As women’s studies have become established on college campuses, new generations of writers, researchers, and students have developed their own definitions of and approaches to feminism.
The goals of the modern women’s movement include equal pay for comparable work, equal access into all jobs and professions, expansion of child care, reproductive rights, and an end to violence against women. However, not all feminists agree on how to achieve these goals. Christina Hoff Sommers, the author of Who Stole Feminism?, argues that many modern feminists have abandoned the beliefs of the early women’s movement. Instead of seeking to make women the equals of men under the law, they want to ensure that women are as successful as men in every field. Sommers and her supporters maintain that as long as women and men have equal opportunities in work and family life, they need not fill identical roles in society. For example, they regard staying home to raise children as a valid choice for women—an idea that many traditional feminists …show more content…

In Western industrialized nations, where women have achieved relative equality with men under the law, the emphasis tends to be on economic and social issues. These include equal pay, equal funding for medical research, more government- and employer-sponsored child care, and an end to images in advertising and the media that belittle women. Elsewhere, activists focus on changing cultural, religious, and legal traditions that treat women as property. In some African nations, for example, a man by custom pays a bride price to the family of a woman he wishes to marry. Critics say this practice really amounts to the selling of

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