
Working-Class Education

Decent Essays

The purpose of Soria & Stebleton & Huesman. Jr’s (2013) study was to caution the college professionals not to neglect the effect of social class on students’ achievement of social & academic integration through examining and determining the difference between working-class students and middle-class student in both social & academic areas, as well as the obstacles they may perceive towards their academic success. The study also tended to emphasize the different response from working-class and middle-class students which would impact their academic persistence and retention, and to make the policy makers becoming more aware of the scholarship scheme according to social class status. The study was based on a online-survey administered to around 150 thousands students from six large and public universities, who were required to …show more content…

I have suggested the biggest challenge for tutoring is how to make it dynamic, flexible, and personalized in order to meet the expectations of a more diverse student population. Indeed, the challenge is to accommodate the requirement from the working-class students whose needs of tutoring are different from the traditional students, specifically when learners are at a distance and the instructor is not physically present (Beaudin B, 1999). Therefore, the support to working-class students, or the non-traditional students is a common and urgent issue that colleges or institutions should make huge efforts on it. This article raises the following questions for discussion: how to make the working-class student becoming more engaged to avoid so called “imposter syndrome” and support them to be more confident and grounded? what are some ways to increase the availability and flexibility of academic success support in order that busy non-traditional students can easily access to such services as the tutoring, advising, and skill

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