
Workplace Harassment In The Workplace

Decent Essays

A Hispanic woman by the name of Olga has been the sole provider in her home since her husband died. She has two children and she is also the caregiver for her elderly mother. She works in a small restaurant as a dishwasher and gets paid minimum wage. She encountered a prep cook by the name of Abel and every shift she was assigned to, he would yell at her or make comments about her appurtenance or intelligence. Olga never finished elementary school but nonetheless she continued to work and provide for her family. Her co-workers would ignore all comments and pretend they did not hear the things he said because they wanted to be o his good side as this continued for one year. She began to experience signs of anxiety, insomnia, and stress when she went to work and sought out help from her supervisor but Abel did not stop. She feared losing her job, but this was also making her depressed and standing up for herself didn’t work out either. Olga was then replaced when her doctor recommended she’d take two days off.
Since she was an at-will employee Olga was not protected from being let go without reason, she was also not protected from harassment or bullying that did not display discrimination.
Workplace harassment or bullying is more common because people do not want you to either be better than them or take their job o because they just want to get you fired. There are many reasons as to why someone would want to bully you in the workplace. Many supervisors are participants of

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