
World History Quiz

Decent Essays

1. What is made possible by the agglomeration of people, services, and goods in a city that is not possible, or far more difficult, in rural areas?

A: The time to innovate is made possible by the agglomeration of people, services, and goods in a city that is not possible, or far more difficult, in rural areas.

2. Based on archaeological evidence, how long ago was the first city developed?

A: Archaeological evidence indicates that people established the first cities about 8000 years ago.

3. What is an egalitarian society?

A: An egalitarian society is a society where goods are shared in common among people. People are equal in an egalitarian society.

4. What differences exist between agricultural villages and cities?

A: Agricultural …show more content…

In early cities, the leadership class, or urban elite, consisted of a group of decision makers and organizers who controlled the resources, and often the lives, of others. The urban elite controlled the food supply, including its production, storage, and distribution. Generating an agricultural surplus enabled some people to devote their efforts to pursuits besides agriculture. The urban elite, for instance, did not work the fields. Rather, they devoted time to other pursuits such as religion and philosophy. Out of such pursuits came the concepts of writing and recordkeeping. Writing made possible the codification of laws and the preservation of traditions. Urban elites defended themselves by constructing walls on the outskirts of the city. However, the leadership class collected taxes and tribute from people within their control beyond the city walls.

7. How is social inequality revealed in the cultural landscape of ancient Mesopotamian cities?

A: Studies of the cultural landscape and urban morphology of Mesopotamian cities have found signs of social inequality in the varying sizes and ornamentation of houses. Urban elite erected palaces, protected themselves with walls, and employed countless artisans to beautify their spaces. They also established a priest‐king class and developed a religious‐political ideology to support the priest‐kings. Rulers in the cities were both priests and kings, and they levied taxes and demanded tribute from the harvest brought by the agricultural laborers.

8. What building dominated the landscape of nearly every ancient Mesopotamian

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