
World War II : The Treaty Of Versailles Essay

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Sick Man of Europe: In the early 20th century, the Ottoman Empire was referred to as the “sick man of Europe”, a name implying that the once great power was falling. This term was first used by Nicholas I of Russia and has since been used to describe many European countries during financial difficulties or poverty. It was applied to the Ottoman Empire as it was progressively deteriorating under the financial control of the European powers and had lost territory in a sequence of devastating wars.
Treaty of Versailles: The treaty of Versailles was imposed on Germany on June 28 1919 by the Allies. France, Great Britain, the United States and the other allies demanded that Germany dismantled their military, only allowing a token army and navy and forbidding them an Air Force. Germany had to give up some of its lands to reconstitute Poland, and accept military occupation in its remaining territories. The treaty also contained a “Guilt Clause” required that Germany accept responsibility and promise to pay reparations to compensate the victors for their losses, but no amount or period of time was set for this clause.
Russian Revolution: The Russian Revolution was made up of two revolutions in 1917 leading to the rise of the Soviet Union. The first of the two, the February Revolution, was short and confined to the capital but resulted in a provisional government after the Tsarist autocracy was overthrown. The second revolution, the October Revolution, then overthrew the provisional

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