
World War Two : The Greatest War Of Its Existence

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America was involved during World War Two which was considered the greatest war of its existence. It took a whole nation and a significant amount of manpower to win the war. The United States’ involvement greatly changed the tide of world history by conquering the axis powers. World War Two was the result of Hitler’s Nazi Party comes to power, invading most of Europe and the United States freeing Europe. World War Two has made the world a better place to live because it eliminated an evil empire that would have destroyed the world. Some people believe World War Two had been traced back to World War One. The Germans and their allies had lost the war. The League of Nations forced Germany to pay reparations back to the invaded and destroyed European countries. This leads to an economic crash which resulted in high unemployment and over inflation. Germany needed a leader to bring it back to a successful country. Adolf Hitler had risen to power and created the Nazi party that had taken over Germany’s government. Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin signed a nonaggression pact which entailed Germany’s invasion of Poland. Germany invaded Poland with a blitzkrieg attack which means lightning war. Germany’s invasion caused Russia to invade Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Finland which made the rest of Europe highly concerned. With all of the commotion happening in Europe, the United States have reserved itself from getting involved. With Europe on the brink of total war, many countries

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