
Writing Notes And Playing Video Games Essay

Decent Essays

So you get home after a hard day at the office and you boot up your computer, but today you say to yourself, "I 'm tired of writing notes & playing video games, I want to create something"! Your girlfriend or your wife walk by you as you stare at the wall and she says, "what are you dreaming about"? Then you tell her that you really wanted to be a computer programmer instead of a shoe salesman. Then she says to you, "you should have gone to college a few years to learn a computer language"! But your 50 years old now and you don 't have time and patience like you use to. Well, I 'll tell you something, every application that comes out on the market isn 't created by someone who sits down in front of a computer and punches in hours & hours of c++ code or visual basic scripts. Hey! Let 's face it, it 's the year 2007 and software technology is going forward faster that you think. You don 't have to sit in front of a computer for years cranking out a bunch of computer code just to make a light blink anymore! The are applications out there in cyber space that will allow you to create self running applications with color graphics, video, sound, music and animation in them by simply using a drag & drop interface. Maybe this doesn 't mean much to you but, you can certainly use your brain to do more creating rather than coding. Heck, I 've seen people create some pretty awesome applications, music players, small games etc. And all without knowing a bit of computer language. I

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