
Wrongfully Convicted And The Criminal Justice System

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Wrongfully Convicted News reports daily of all of the many different crimes that has taken place. In today’s society, we depend upon the justice system. Criminal Justice is a big deal. The Criminal Justice system was put in place by the agencies and established by the governments to help control the crimes and apply penalties to those that violate the law. Many people feel that the criminal justice system is there to protect and serve while others feel that the criminal justice system fails them daily. Over 30 years ago Alan Newton was convicted of a crime. He was accused of rape and slashing a ladies face in an abandon building. The victim that was assaulted picked Newton out in a line up. After she identified Newton he tried to plead his case but he was later sentenced to 13 to 40 years in prison. Newton tried to plead his innocence, but the justice system sent him straight to jail. Newton petitioned for parole on three separate occasions and he was denied.
Newton was determined to prove his innocence. However the police officer claimed that the rape kit that was used to identify Newton was no longer available. It had somehow disappeared. This made it harder for Newton to prove his innocence. In 2005 The Innocence Project decided to pick up Newtown case and went to the Bronx District Attorney for answer. They demanded help with locating the rape kit that was used in the case. Due to the extensive search it yielded the evidence and with DNA testing they were

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