
Wtg 101

Decent Essays

For the third assignment of WRTG 101, the task was to write a research-supported cause or effect essay. I chose to write a research-supported effect essay on human resource management titled “The Effects of Human Resource Management Practices on Employee Turnover.” The assignment requirements asked for the use of a certain amount of scholarly journal articles that supported the thesis of the paper. I believe that my research essay turned out successfully because I was able to find and identify appropriate resources that proved to effectively defend my thesis statement.
For my research assignment I chose the topic “The Effects of Human Resource Management Practices on Employee Turnover.” I chose this topic because it is allied with an assignment …show more content…

Furthermore, there was a requirement of at least three sources to come from scholarly journals. As we learned during the course of WRTG 101, a scholarly journal article is an in-depth research article written by authors who are experts with significant knowledge in the subject area. Additionally, universities or professional associations commonly publish scholarly journal articles (“Identify Scholarly Journals”, n.d.). The primary databases I searched were UMUC Information and Library Services interface Business Source Complete and ScienceDirect. I also utilized the UMUC Library OneSearch and added the ABI/INFORM Complete as an additional database resource. In addition to the UMUC Library I also used the Google Scholar web search engine and sources found on the free web. When deciding on whether to include sources found on the free web, I evaluated the web site’s author and accuracy (“Evaluate Web Resources”, n.d.). I used sources from the free web sparingly and instead focused on scholarly sources. After fulfilling the requirement of three scholarly sources, I continued to primarily look for scholarly sources to establish and support my argument. I started my search with the use of search terms such as “Human Resource Management”, “Employee Turnover”, “High Turnover”, and “HRM Practices”. To find more refined results, I incorporated the Boolean operator “AND”

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