
Xacco 280 Week 1

Decent Essays

After reading Chapter 6 of the textbook and the materials I found that I was struggling to understand the material more than usual. Before reading this chapter I had a slight idea of how much effort went into keeping track of the costs and inventory. The most that I knew was that you had to keep track of it, I didn’t know that there are different ways to keep track of those costs. After reading more into the different ways to keep track of inventory I found that the one that stuck out most to me and was the one that I spent the most time trying to understand was the LIFO (Last In First Out). LIFO was the hardest for me to grasp because of the logic and that it could provide a tax break for the company. I had trouble understanding the concept of the LIFO because I kept thinking of the concept backwards. I also had a hard time understanding the tax break because I didn’t understand why it happened. After reading the material again I noticed that where costs of inventory become high over time the LIFO method created a condition in which the less expensive inventory was recorded. This showed that the more expensive items were recently purchased creating a lower profit and a smaller income that could be taxed. …show more content…

After completing the first try on the homework assignment I was not happy with the grade I received so I went back through the chapter, read the materials given and scheduled a tutoring appointment. After reading, talking and working through a few example problems I felt much more confident and went back to complete my second try, I felt the second time around I understood the concept much better than the first. Had I not taken the extra steps I feel that my grasp on the material from chapter 6 would not be where I needed it to

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