
Yakult Hong Kong

Decent Essays

Table of Content

Introduction 3

History and Philosophy 4
Product 5
Yakult Hong Kong 5

Global Marketing Environment 6

Industry and Competitive Analysis 7
PEST analysis 8
Generic competitive strategy 11

SWOT-Yakult Honsha Co. Ltd 13

Strengths 13
Weaknesses 16
Opportunities 17
Threats 18

Entry Strategy 20

Introduction of Entry Strategies 20
Entry Strategy of YAKULT HONSHA CO. LTD. 24
Advantages of Entry with Wholly Owned Subsidiary in HONG KONG 25
Disadvantages of Entry with Wholly Owned Subsidiary in Hong Kong 27
Global Promotion Strategies 29

Standardization versus Adaptation 31

Conclusion 37

Reference 38

People nowadays become more health conscious and eager for …show more content…

The strategy also focuses on the best promotion and distribution techniques to use when selling products to a multicultural clientele. Companies often hire international advertising agencies to help develop a global marketing strategy, according to BNET, an online business content provider.” (eHow 2013)

While Yakult was first created the probiotic drink in Japan, it was also introduced in local and Taiwan region only. Nowadays, Yakult operates its business for over 80 years in 31 countries (Wikipedia 2013). Yakult’s global marketing strategy is to be flexible in goods and services offer in order to fulfill the needs and requirements of every market, and respect local culture and traditions. Despite that Yakult is successful in local Japan Market, environmental differences can be a threat that force the company to make unexpected cost in responding to local need and market requirement (Gillespie 2011). Currently, Yakult is using franchising as their marketing strategies while in its international expansion. In Hong Kong, there is no retailing store for Yakult but its product has been franchised to other conveniences store and supermarket such as 7-Eleven and Taste. This is realized as a way to reach customer base quickly in local market.

Industry and Competitive Analysis
As a participant of Food and Beverage industry, Yakult introduces its healthy probiotic drinks as its major competitive product. According to the

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