
Your Health Is Your Life Essay

Decent Essays

Your health is your life!
A human’s health is the most important thing for a person to help him live a nice and wonderful life. In order for him/her to preserve that ideal life a human must keep himself healthy by decreasing the risk of having any kind of disease especially the diabetes disease that most humans now a days have it. Therefore, a human’s lifestyle can decrease or illuminate the risk of him/her getting diabetes at any age.

What is a lifestyle? A lifestyle is the way a human lives his life, and each and every human has his own way of doing so, it can be messy, unhealthy and many countless adjectives. Nowadays, due to the way life has changed to, a huge percentage of people have diabetes or a are facing a huge risk of getting that disease. In order for humans to keep the risk of diabetes away humans should develop their lifestyle in a very healthy way. Therefore, a human having a healthy life can have a huge impact on reducing the risk of him/her getting diabetes. (“Lifestyle”)

What is diabetes? …show more content…

But that isn’t only how diabetes happens, it also depends on how the insulin is functioning in the body, which then leads us to identifying whether a human has diabetes type 1 or type 2. In diabetes type 1 the insulin which is the protein that helps the sugar called glucose enter the cell is not found in the body mostly because it is related to the genes. On the other hand, in diabetes type 2 the insulin doesn’t help the glucose enter the cell for two possible reasons either that the insulin isn’t working correctly or that the amount of insulin is not enough in the body. (“What is

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