
Youth And Its Effects On Youth

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Youth today face significantly more educational, social, psychological and physical challenges than the youth of the past. The teen age years can be the most difficult and perhaps the most crucial period in a person’s life. In these years, we begin to build a self concept and self identity that will carry us throughout the rest of our lives. Society and media places a heavy expectation on youth ranging from how they are too look and dress to the increasingly extensive levels of education needed just to get a decent job. Furthermore, the stigmas placed on todays youth as lazy, disrespectful, spoiled and egocentric make it difficult to meet these social standards. Thus, many teens do not know where to turn for support. Youth drug use, both recreational and prescription, has become an epidemic in Canada. Between curiosity, availability and peer pressure, young people are left vulnerable. Social influences among peer groups, within school systems and in the community, make drug use seem almost expected, and this expectation can have dire costs for those who do not have the executive functioning to understand the consequences of there actions. Drug use can have physical, psychology, developmental and social consequence which all contribute to the overall development of an individual. There are many risk factors, both proximal and distal, that aid in the increasing use of drugs among youth. But at the same time there are many protective factors that can be implemented within the

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