
Youth Service Proposal

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I am a very active individual within my church however we do not currently have a youth services program. This has become very popular and common in my area therefore I feel it is important to implement a youth outreach program at my church. Drift Pentecostal Church is an adult-driven church that has dissipated in youth over the last 10 years. Drift Pentecostal Church has not had a youth program since the early 70 's. The program has dwindled to a mere once a week Sunday School class that is separated by ages. With each year, the enrollment has diminished thereby leaving our church with only 20 youth members ranging from ages 2-18 years of age. Of these individuals, approximately 80 percent are under the age of 10. Although the pastor is very effective at bringing in new members, it is still important to target the youth in our society today. The most important reason, schools are no longer allowing God in their programs. With the constant fight for separation of church and state, the youth are suffering. The importance of developing a youth program is critical in order to drive our youth into the churches and into God 's hands. In an article written by Mark Howard, he wrote, "the youth are restless, insecure, jaded, and desperately searching for meaning to explain all the hurt and suffering they see around them, meaning for their very existence," therefore what the youth need most is the gospel of Christ Jesus. He is the one who gives meaning to this life. In a study

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