
Youth Unemployment

Better Essays

Digital revolution and its impact on Youth Unemployment


In all facets of life young people can be potentially viewed as being particularly vulnerable, and across the world more and more young people are experiencing a soar in youth unemployment. It is fair to surmise that the longer young people are not engaging in employment opportunities, problems in society can and will become more self evident now and into the foreseeable future.
It must be stated from the outset that the internet can offer very exciting possibilities and can enable greater global connectivity. As users (albeit somewhat reluctantly) we can have tasks undertaken online virtually anywhere in the world. Not all users or generations are as savvy with …show more content…

The prevalence of young people experiencing ongoing difficulties and barriers to obtaining employment is a complex issue.

As professional Youth Workers we must not only arm ourselves with up-to-date understanding of what constitutes unemployment and how the digital landscape and the current and ongoing engagement an overwhelming amount of young people have with the digital landscape/world. We, as Youth Workers must also work with young people 's parents/caregivers. We must also explore advocating and creating links between young people, communities, employers and education providers, when possible.

Research from across the globe has identified the growing and real concerns that more and more engagement with digital platforms by employers is playing out with potential young people seeking employment. Research such as undertaken by the Foundation for Young Australians which plainly tells us that as a nation, community and most importantly as those who work with young people to not ignore the real and prevalent

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