
What Youth Work Is And What It Mean To Me?

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Youth work practice helps young people learn about themselves, others and society.
- National Youth Agency.
“Never underestimate the difference YOU can make in the lives of others. Step forward, reach out and help. Reach to someone that might need a lift”
― Pablo
What youth work is and what it means to me?
The youth work profession focuses on helping, working and supporting young people. My own understanding of youth work is it’s about empowering and advocating on behalf of young people. I want to be a youth worker who makes a difference. That means putting a hundred percent into the work I do with young people. According to Sapin (2009) youth work is defined as ‘working with young people to develop enjoyable activities’. It’s defined as addressing young people’s needs and interests. It’s achieved through forming voluntary relationship based on mutual respect (Sapin, 2009). Youth work is defined by three main factors (YACVic, 2004).
I believe these factors show exactly what youth work is. The first is young people are the primary consideration. Young people come first in our type of work. The second factor is young people are seen in their social context. This means providing young people with an opportunity to interact within a positive social environment (YACVic, 2004). It also means challenging barriers young people face in their environment. The last factor is using a holistic approach in youth work. This factor is about recognizing young people as a whole individual.

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