
Zoos Are Bad For Animals

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Zoos are bad for animals
There have been a lot of problems with animals in zoos. It has gotten to the point where zoos are hated and looked upon as a places of animal torture. Are zoos really that bad? Turns out, they are. They do not have enough space, they do not allow the animals to communicate with each other, and they sell the animals to cruel circuses.
Have you ever thought what it was like in prison? Well zoos are like prison for animals
In 2010, investigators went into a zoo and filmed sick animals that were just left on the floor to rot at the Tweddle Farm Zoo. When they were all done they had to take sick rabbits to the vet to have their infection cared for. Along with their discovery of this zoo they found a monkey who was fed …show more content…

Also, around 2010, Zimbabwe was going to capture two of every animals they asked for including rhinos, lions, cheetah, etc. In the european zoos, over 60% of the elephants are captured from the wild.
With the elephants and lions, the reason they are pacing and stuff is because they have developed stress. The animals can also produce stress when they have humans outside of their enclosure teasing them or annoying them. There have been many videos and sighting of animals coming up to the glass and banging on it or just plainly trying to get through because they are so mad.
When people think of a zoos they are to think about all the cool animals and their trainer doing tricks with them right? No, that is totally wrong. Most of the zoos don’t even care about the animals, all they care about is their paycheck and more money. Zoos usually want babies in the zoo because that is what people are attracted to more. When they grow up and aren’t as cute they are sold to other places for big money. The reason why they would have to sell them is because when they are smaller they attract more attention and make them more money. When they grow up they aren’t as playful and enjoying to watch so they sell them to get money to get other baby animals so they can make more money.
Then you wonder what happens to these animals who are sold. The animals that are sold are often sold into roadside zoos and

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