
Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God Essay

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Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God

In Their Eyes Were Watching God, Zora Neale Hurston portrays the religion of black people as a form of identity. Each individual in the black society Hurston has created worships a different God. But all members of her society find their identities by being able to believe in a God, spiritual or other. Grandma’s worship of Jesus and the “Good Lawd,” Joe Starks’ worship of himself, Mrs. Turner’s worship of white characteristics, and Janie’s worship of love, all stem from a lack of jurisdiction in the society they inhabit. All these Gods represent a need for something to believe in and work for: an ideal, which they wish to achieve, to aspire to. Each individual character is thus …show more content…

There is nothing physical or material to lend confidence and support to her, so she regulates her conviction in the ethereal. Grandma also uses her fidelity in the divine as an opportunity for procuring power, because she “want[s] to preach a great sermon” (pg. 16). Although she never is afforded the opportunity to preach, her worship of her religion allows her the opportunity to attempt to achieve this position of power, which seems to be enough for Grandma. Even though she is denied this chance because she has a baby “all the same [she] [says] thank God” (pg. 16). Through her failure she also recognizes that God wanted it that way for a reason, which enables her to move forward with her life.

Just as Grandma’s need for power was transferred to her worship of God, Joe Starks’ need for dominion is reflected by his worship of himself. Joe always says “I God” instead of “My God,” through which he is subconsciously referring to himself as God. He says that “Let colored folks build things too if dey wants to crow over somethin’…it ha[s] always been [my] wish and desire to be a big voice” (pg. 28). Joe believes that he is meant to be a sovereign in this new town, and as soon as he gets there, he starts working on making himself the mayor. This colored town embodies all his wishes and desires, because it is the only place that he can have power. He is never allowed this chance in white society, but in this colored only town, by declaring

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