
cancer care

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Stephanie HAT Task 2 Community Health Practice (0310) October 20, 2013 A. Explain how your own perceptions about quality of life and health problems might affect your care for a dying patient with a lingering illness such as cancer. It is the nurse’s responsibility to remove their personal beliefs when providing care to the patient. If the nurse is persistent in their own beliefs and values there can be a disruption in the successful transition to palliative care. Nurses may feel that they are failing at their job when a patient chooses to go into palliative treatment. The nurse may question their performance as a nurse and have uncertainty regarding whether or not they could of done something more for that …show more content…

Thomas may be experiencing problems and/or limitation in her gait. The nurse will assist Mrs. Thomas in achieving optimal pain control. The nurse will interact with Mrs. Thomas more than any other practitioner. The nurse will have to continuously assess Mrs. Thomas pain control. Due to Mrs. Thomas’s advance stage in her illness her pain control needs will vary depending on her level of conscious and the disease process. Keeping Mrs. Thomas’s level of pain to a level where Mrs. Thomas can still maintain her functional ability will be an ongoing struggle. Too little or too much pain medicine will prevent Mrs. Thomas in participating in activities. b. Discuss ways to provide care for Mrs. Thomas once self-care is no longer possible. In an optimal situation the nurse would has previously identified in the patient’s intake assessment how Mrs. Thomas would of wanted to be cared for in the event she was no longer to care for herself. Mrs. Thomas may have verbalized that she did not want her husband or sons to provide any hygiene cares. In this event, the nurse may have arranged that a PCA attendant is responsible for all hygiene related cares. The nurse would have arranged for Mr. Thomas to receive training, so that he is able to transfer his wife safety from the bed to a chair. Educating Mr. Thomas to safely participate in his wife’s care will prevent caregiver and patient injuries and will help Mr. Thomas not rely on paid staff to

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