
iTunes And The Digital Music Industry Essay

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iTunes and The Digital Music Industry
On April 28, 2003 Apple revolutionized the music industry by creating the iTunes Music Store. For the first time consumers were able to purchase digital music that was immediately ready for download onto their iPod mp3 players. However, since the start songs downloaded from iTunes have protected by a digital rights management (DRM) scheme known as fair play. Soon after Apple opened their store several other companies opened competing stores, each with their own unique DRM scheme. Most DRM schemes automatically assume that the consumer will try to illegally share music and enforce rules to prevent this. Apple restricts back up copies by only letting the song be copied to seven computers. They …show more content…

This company goes against everything the record companies stand for and they have been trying to shut it down. Ever since file sharing became commonplace, record companies have complained that they have lost billions of dollars in revenue. Record companies have produced studies backing this claim, while file sharing advocates have produced reports saying the effect is indistinguishable from zero [2]. While the true impact probably lies somewhere in the middle, record companies have insisted that DRM schemes can be used to prevent customers from sharing music online. Price point has also become and issue for record companies. The standard price for online music is $0.99 per track. Record companies have stated numerous times that they would like to increase this amount, but music stores have resisted. Even though the costs associated with selling digital music downloads are much lower than that of physical media, these cost savings aren't passed on to consumers. DRM schemes also force customers to purchase the same song multiple times. For example, suppose one downloaded a song from Yahoo! Music, to play on their Microsoft mp3 player. However, a year later they purchased an iPod. Since the music purchased from Yahoo! would not be compatible with their iPod, they would have to purchase the song a second time from iTunes. The iTunes music store has come under fire lately in several European countries. Germany, France, Norway, Denmark, and

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