
organizational systems Task 1 Essay

Good Essays

Organizational Systems and Quality Leadership
Western Governors University

Nursing-sensitive indicators are defined by the American Nurses Association as indicators that “reflect the structure, process and outcomes of nursing care. The structure of nursing care is indicated by the supply of nursing staff, the skill level of the nursing staff, and the education/certification of nursing staff” (ANA, 2015). These indicators are outcomes that increase the quality and safety in patient care. Some indicators are patient falls, surgical complications such as infection and pulmonary failure, restraint prevalence, patient satisfaction, nurse satisfaction and staffing, complications such as urinary tract infections …show more content…

The lack of cultural respect and understanding regarding Mr. J dietary requests as a retired Jewish rabbi

are a nursing-sensitive indicator which can lead to patient dissatisfaction, maybe not realized by the patient with mild dementia but certainly by his daughter.

The hospital acquiring data on the above indicators of pressure ulcer incidence, prevalence of restraints,

patient and family satisfaction could go a long way to advance the quality of patient care throughout the hospital.

This hospital is a 65-bed rural hospital but it is the job of every hospital to give the best patient care possible. With a

pressure ulcer developing while in the hospital and Medicare not reimbursing for the cost of the care of that ulcer, it

is important to make sure for the patients and the financial aspect that these do not happen. The care of a pressure

ulcer can take many weeks and be very costly. The development of this in the hospital is uncalled for and does not

bring patient satisfaction. I think too often hospitals forget they are treating not just their patients but their families

as well. Evidence-based practice could be used to see what could have been done to prevent pressure ulcers,

education for the staff on what signs to look for concerning pressure ulcers as well as education on the laws and

when it is appropriate to use restraints on patients. Care of the

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