
A Beer Influenced By Samuel Adams

Best Essays

Alyssa Yosten
Professor Stanek
Hist 117
Essay Question How was a Beer Influenced by Samuel Adams? Samuel Adams is a well-known character in our history books, but his name is also shared a well-known beer. While Samuel Adams the man was born in Boston, Massachusetts in 1722, Samuel Adams the beer was created in 1985 in the same city (Frankel, Samuel Adams and the American Revolution) (Boston Brewing Company, What prompted the naming a beer after a historical figure? The founder of Samuel Adams Boston Lager, Jim Koch, said that he “chose the name because Samuel Adams was a Boston firebrand, a revolutionary thinker who fought for independency” (Boston Brewing Company, What made Samuel Adams so revolutionary? For clarification, a firebrand is a person who passionate about a certain cause and while in actuality he wasn’t much of a brewer, Samuel Adams was very passionate about America’s war for independence. He had attended Harvard and “studied the so-called natural-rights philosophers, Locke, Sydney, Harrington, [and] Pufendorf” which influenced his view of American rights (Frankel, Samuel Adams and the American Revolution). In the 1760’s, Samuel Adams worked with other colonists to protest British tyranny as a group called the Loyal Nine (Schweikart, A Patriot 's History of the USA). The Royal Nine, which later became the Sons of Liberty, was led by Samuel Adam to “perform some of the more unsavory revolutionary tasks,

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