
A Brief Note On Integrated National Crime Investigation System Essay

Decent Essays

INCIS by Benjamin Young
Introduction and Background
INCIS (Integrated National Crime Investigation System) is a project that began in New Zealand from as early as 1985 but did not officially commence until 1991 when concepts and scope was being developed. INCIS was supposedly the solution to the problems of the Law Enforcement System at the time. The Law Enforcement System is better known as Wanganui Computer Center. The project was needed because the Wanganui Computer Center was aging and it was not efficient at storing information and data as well as having slow information retrieval times. The Wanganui Computer Center was nearing 15 years in age in 1991 this means that information, crime and policing needs have evolved and the system needed to evolve too in order to maintain effective policing of potential and committed crimes.
The system used older programming languages and tapes to store information and data because of the combination of older programming languages and older technology to store information it lead to slower information retrieval as well as capabilities limits and crime fighting effectiveness. This project was a world’s first and was considered very high risk because of the fact that it was developing a system that had never been proven to work before. The purpose of the project is to develop an information system to support operational policing so the New Zealand police have the information and capabilities to minimize and prevent crime.

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